「Samtools markdup」熱門搜尋資訊

Samtools markdup

「Samtools markdup」文章包含有:「samtools」、「Howdoessamtoolsmarkdupworks?」、「DuplicateMarking」、「samtoolsmarkdup的正确使用方式文档」、「Pipingsamtoolssorttomarkdupresultsin"...」、「Howtoproperlypassfromsamtoolsrmdup...」、「samtools」、「Markduponpairedreadsusing-」

Samtools indexSamtools depthSamtools sort 用法Samtools sortSamtools coverageSamtools viewSamtools SAM to BAMSamtools manualSamtools sort: failed to read header fromSamtools markdupSamtools fastqSamtools flagstatSamtools install
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DESCRIPTION. Mark duplicate alignments from a coordinate sorted file that has been run through samtools fixmate with the -m option. This program ...

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How does samtools markdup works?
How does samtools markdup works?


The design leverages the fact that the data produced by the sequencing instrument and subsequent aligner will be name collated (not sorted, but ...

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Duplicate Marking
Duplicate Marking


As samtools markdup works on a single pass through the data, it is possible to get duplicates of duplicates. It happens when a read that was marked as an ...

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samtools markdup 的正确使用方式文档
samtools markdup 的正确使用方式文档


DESCRIPTION. Mark duplicate alignments from a coordinate sorted file that has been run through samtools fixmate with the -m option. This program ...

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Piping samtools sort to markdup results in " ...
Piping samtools sort to markdup results in " ...


Running up to sort and outputting a sam file, and then giving that sam file separately to markdup works, so I'm guessing the issue is with the ...

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How to properly pass from samtools rmdup ...
How to properly pass from samtools rmdup ...


A friend passed me an old pipeline and he used samtools rmdup . However I know from the documentation that command is obsolete and markdup ...

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Mark duplicate alignments from a coordinate sorted file that has been run through samtools fixmate with the -m option. This program relies on ...

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Markdup on paired reads using -
Markdup on paired reads using -


Copied from #1710. Running samtools 1.19.2 on Linux x86_64. When determining duplicate status or selecting the best representative pair ...